Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pulled muscles are murder

So...any prayers you could send my way would be much appreciated, as it seems that my penchant for accidental-injuries-with-no-clue-of-how-they-could-happen seems to be back. On my other blog (mentioned earlier) describes it in detail.

I still don't quite know how it could happen, but it hurts like nobody's business. It must be mentioned that this is the first time that I've pulled a muscle like that, so at least I can scratch that off my bucket list...

In other news, I'm editing the Janice Wyatt Summer Arts camp video again this year after filming it a couple of weekends ago, and again, I CANNOT believe how talented these kids are. I am so glad that there is a place for them to express themselves year after year. Growing up, theatre was my get-away from problems with school and being a teenager. On stage, no one judged you for wanting to talk in a strange accent to release some tension, or breaking into some song, even if you aren't currently performing a musical. I was blessed to be able to experience that, and I'm honored that I get to film this for posterity so that these kids can see how talented they are.

If you have the means to, please consider contributing to your local theatre, because most of them could really use the help, if only to keep the camps going for the talented kids of MS, or wherever you call home.