Friday, September 28, 2018

Oh well

How can you be frustrated at a timeframe?
Why is there still disappointment when you knew it wasn’t going to happen anyway?
What use is having hope when you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel?

Why does time change how you view something, even if it’s the same as it’s always been? Even with planning, and reminders, and believing you’re withholding excitement, crushing sadness when you’re a touchstone, not a destination.

I’m surprised I still have hope, especially since I’ve never gotten what I’ve hoped for.

Just three days. That’s all I asked for. One weekend.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Just a moment

I just need one moment.
A moment to remember myself. 
A moment that is not planned, or used for someone else. 
One moment. 

Life is so busy, and about to get busier. 
Everything is going in boxes. A whole life. Three lives worth of boxes. 
One moment, please, while I remember myself. 

Just a moment. Ok. Breathe. 


Back to reality.