But never fear! I have returned!
School has started again. Yay. Because of financial situations, I am only taking one class, a photography class. Luckily, the (new, which is a sad thing, to anyone who knows where I go to school) teacher believes in marketing yourself, and the appeal of the internet in promoting your work. He told us to create a blog, website, or photo reel to show our work.
Luckily, I have my own website, so this class is killing two birds with one stone: giving me a reason to update my website weekly (75 pics a week, at least 4 "best of" on the medium of choice), and it gives me a reason to blog about it. Anyone at home can follow along if they'd like. It'll at least give you a reason to relax for a few minutes at least once a week ;)
This weeks project was to take pictures of Life in Public Spaces. This means that if the place that you are taking a picture requires money to be there, or it is paid for by someone (other than the government), you couldn't take pictures of it, or if you did, you'd have to find an interesting way of photographing it (such as in a reflection, or window).
I went out with the intent of photographing movement and reflections. As you all know, intentions are just that. What happens in the field can vary greatly from the origins. I got some great shots of empty playgrounds, walking trails that weren't in use, and some other interesting things that you'll have to visit my website to see. But the first two things take on whole new meanings if you think about how much money has been put to use establishing new programs surrounding exercise and the need to get up and do something. It was after 4 every day that I went, and I didn't see one child outside taking advantage of the lower-than-90 temperatures. Three playgrounds/trails with no one on them. Many people in the class found the same thing.
I feel like this class will require a different view on what makes a good photograph, and how the intent can be very different than what is shown.
Happy clicking!